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19 Treatments for Acne You Have Never Heard Of

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Think you know all the ways to cure acne available today? While you might know some of the treatment methods on this list, these 19 methods are some of the least-known cures for acne that are as effective as most conventional treatments.

If you suffer from acne, you’ve probably tried hundreds of treatments- both internal and external. For many individuals with acne, nothing short of extreme measures will cure acne. In some cases, even prescription treatments do not keep acne pimples at bay for long.

If you have tried everything, and your acne still persists, it can be quite a frustrating feeling. However, just because you have tried all the conventional treatments does not mean you have tried every possible cure. The following is a list of alternative treatments for acne that you may have never heard of, and probably haven’t tried. Who knows, the cure for your acne might just be listed below.

As with any new treatment method for a skin condition, consult with your doctor before adding any new supplements or topical treatments to your skin-care routine. In some rare cases, the treatments could have dangerous side effects.

Pay special attention to internal supplements if you are pregnant, as certain supplements can be harmful to a fetus (particularly black cohosh). Never take any herbal supplements while pregnant unless you receive the green light from your health practitioner.


Garlic is a powerful antioxidant and anti-bacterial substance. Raw garlic contains high amounts of allicin, which reacts with free radicals in the body, creating an immune-boosting, antioxidant effect. For acne, the biggest benefit of garlic is its anti-bacterial properties. Raw garlic can kill any bacteria present in clogged pores. Allicin is also a sulfur compound, which is known to be beneficial in fighting acne.

For best results, apply raw garlic directly to inflamed pimples and consume garlic raw. Garlic supplements do not hold the benefits of allicin for long. According to The Worlds Healthiest Foods, allicin stays active for about 2 days after garlic is processed in any way.

Gum Guggul

It may have a funny name, but gum guggul may be the best thing you can take to cure your stubborn acne. According to a 1994 study published in the Journal of Dermatology, in a study of 20 patients with acne, patients taking 25 mg of gum guggul twice daily showed a reduction in acne symptoms by 68 percent after 3 months. Gum guggul contains inflammation-fighting ingredients that help control nodulocystic acne resistant to other treatment methods.


Scientists have recently discovered that turmeric is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory substances in the world. Turmeric contains curcumin, which can fight inflammation internally and externally. According to the University of Maryland, turmeric is not only anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, but it also has been shown to kill viruses and bacteria in in-vitro studies.

You can use turmeric powder internally and externally for acne. Taking it internally in supplement form will help reduce overall inflammation in the body. Externally, you can mix the powder with lemon juice and apply it directly to pimples for about 15 minutes. Rinse the area after applying the powder. Use caution when using this method. The lemon juice may make pimples appear more inflamed. If your skin is sensitive to lemon, you can try applying the powder with milk instead.

Rice Powder

Rice powder is a secret Asian beauty secret. For thousands of years, Asian women have used rice powder as an exfoliant and brightener for the skin. According to chemists from the UK, rice powder contains many beneficial ingredients for the skin and acne. Rice powder contains vitamin E and B5, and the grains in the powder help scrub away dead skin cells, which can lead to clogged pores. Many over-the-counter skin treatments are rice powder-based, or you can make your own treatment by mixing rice powder and water.


What is the best fruit for acne? It might be the apricot. Apricot is an unassuming fruit, but its high content of vitamin A and fiber makes it beneficial against acne. Vitamin A treatments are highly effective in treating acne (many prescription treatments for acne contain high amounts of vitamin A), and apricots also contain antioxidants that promote overall health. The high fiber content in apricots helps promote healthy intestinal health, which some scientists believe could contribute to acne, including one research study conducted by the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center in 2011.

Vitamin A, E, and Zinc

A study from 2013, conducted by The University of Afyon Kocatepe in Turkey, looked at the role of vitamins A and E as well as zinc in individuals with acne versus individuals without acne. Vitamin A has long been known as a beneficial treatment against acne, but in this particular study, the researchers found that the acne group had significantly lower levels of vitamin E and zinc. Supplementing with vitamin A, E, and zinc could help reduce acne and boost the overall health of the skin.

Essential Vitamins for Acne
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • B vitamins 

Copper and Iron Supplements

According to some studies, deficiencies in minerals seem to contribute to acne, particularly in women. A study published in the Journal of Medicine in 1983 showed that individuals with acne had lower levels of copper and iron in their blood. It could be possible that increasing copper and iron levels in the body will contribute to a reduction in acne.

Aloe Vera

The Aloe plant is highly soothing and provides many health benefits. Aloe contains anti-inflammatory benefits, anti-oxidant benefits, and a variety of other health benefits taken both internally and externally. For acne, aloe can soothe redness and reduce overall inflammation of pimples. According to a 1990 study published in The Journal of Dermatology, aloe applied topically can help heal acne faster. In the study, individuals who used aloe in addition to standard dressing for acne healed faster.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The oil can be taken internally and used internally. Several studies have shown that supplementing with eucalyptus oil internally can reduce the need for steroid use in individuals with asthma. A 2003 study from Georgia Regents University found that eucalyptus oil was effective in reducing inflammation and symptoms of common respiratory illnesses.

Few studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of the oil for acne specifically, but there is enough research to suggest that the oil can be effective in treating acne as well as other inflammatory conditions.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is normally used as an herbal remedy for menopause because the herb can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. This helps reduce the unwanted side effects of menopause, like mood swings and hot flashes. However, there is also some scientific evidence that black cohosh can also help prevent acne. The herb is able to reduce the amount of oil produced by the skin, leading to fewer breakouts.

A study published in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine in 2008 looked at the effects of supplementing with black cohosh on acne. After supplementing with black cohosh for 8 weeks, researchers found that acne was significantly reduced in both male and female participants. The researchers speculated that the reason acne decreased was due to the inhibition of 5-alpha reductase enzymes by the herb.

Red Raspberry Leaf

Red raspberry leaf is an herb particularly beneficial for women. It is able to help tone the uterus and fight PMS symptoms. Many women take red raspberry leaf to help make labor faster and easier. Red raspberry leaf is high in magnesium, B vitamins, iron, and potassium. Red raspberry leaf also contains tannins, which are anti-inflammatory. Women can take red raspberry leaf both internally, and apply a paste made from the leaves directly to acne breakouts.


Marshmallow root is an ancient remedy that contains tannins and a substance known as “mucilage,” which has a soothing effect. Marshmallow root, when applied directly to the skin, can help reduce inflammation and irritation at the site of acne pimples. Taken internally, marshmallow may be able to reduce the total amount of inflammation in the body, according to the book “Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects.”

Burdock Root

Burdock root is a traditional treatment for acne for both internal and external applications. According to the University of Michigan, burdock is a well-known traditional remedy for acne, but no scientific studies to date have looked at the effectiveness of either treatment method. According to the University of Maryland, the main benefit of burdock root is its “prebiotic” properties, which help stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. It is possible that it is this side effect of the root that makes it beneficial in fighting acne.


Potatoes may be the secret acne cure you’ve been looking for. Potatoes contain high levels of beneficial ingredients like sulfur, chloride, potassium, and phosphorus. Potatoes are also highly antioxidant, which encourages the growth of healthy skin cells. The unique mixture of potato ingredients makes them an effective topical acne treatment. All you have to do is apply a slice of potato to active breakouts for about 5 minutes, or rub a cut potato over your entire face.


How can papaya help acne? Papaya contains ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin E, papain enzymes, and other anti-inflammatory agents. You can resolve acne from the inside out by adding papaya to your diet, or you can try taming inflamed skin by applying a mask of mashed papaya to the face for about 20 minutes before rinsing.

According to a 2013 review published in Plants Journal, papaya leaves also contain beneficial ingredients that can help aid digestion and restore the right microbial balance to the intestines as well as hefty doses of vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamin C.


According to the University of Michigan, chasteberry can be used as an effective treatment for hormonal acne in women. A German study from 1967 showed that women who supplemented with chasteberry had fewer acne breakouts due to hormonal changes. Few follow-up studies have been conducted, but some researchers believe that it is the boost in progesterone that leads to fewer hormonal acne breakouts when taking chasteberry.

Vitamin B6

In certain cases of acne, increased sebum production causes acne breakouts. Teenagers usually produce higher levels of sebum with changing hormones, which is one reason why many teenagers have acne. According to a 1942 study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, amount teens who supplemented with between 50 and 250 mg of vitamin B6, 75 percent showed reduced sebum production and reduced acne breakouts.

Brewer’s Yeast

Brewer’s yeast is called that simply because it is a year manufactured during the beer-making process. Brewer’s yeast contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals, including a high amount of B vitamins and chromium. According to the University of Maryland, several studies have shown that taking brewer’s yeast can reduce acne symptoms- possibly due to the B vitamins and chromium.

Banana Peel

You might never have thought to rub a banana peel on your face, but it turns out, this could help fight acne. Banana peel contains the ingredient lutein, which is an antioxidant that also reduces inflammation and swelling. Additionally, lutein also encourages healthy skin cell growth. If you apply the peel topically, allow the banana to soak into your skin for about 30 minutes before rinsing the residue away. Eating bananas will also help your skin, as they contain skin-benefiting ingredients like iron, potassium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin E.

Healing Acne with Unusual Methods

If you want to try any of the above methods for curing acne, you may be pleasantly surprised at how well each method works. To identify the methods that work best for you, try only one or two methods at a time (for example, try taking vitamins and minerals before using new external treatments). Continue with each method for at least two months before trying something else if the current treatment is not working. It usually takes about two months for treatment to reach its full effect.

Separating the treatment methods will help you identify the best cure for you, and it will also help prevent the need for taking supplements or trying topical treatments that are not effective for your particular case of acne. However, since taking vitamins and minerals are rarely detrimental to the body (unless taken in huge quantities), it is generally safe to try internal supplements and external treatment methods at the same time.





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