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Boost Thyroid Function with the Perfect Workout

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Exercise provides benefits for nearly all bodily functions. Recent research has found that the right exercises can dramatically boost the function of your thyroid. Find out more about this connection in the article below.

According to the Thyroid Association of Canada, about 200 million people around the world suffer from thyroid disease.

Many of individuals with thyroid disease are women. Women are more likely to suffer from this condition because their hormones often fluctuate more than the typical man. However, many men also have thyroid problems and do not know about it.

Thyroid problems can be difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms are somewhat unclear in the early stages. Thyroid disease has symptoms like chronic fatigue, brittle nails, sallow skin, unexplained weight gain, difficulty losing weight, and other minor health problems that some people believe are simply signs of aging.

Since there is usually no “pain” associated with a thyroid disorder, many people live with the condition throughout their entire lives and do not even realize they have a problem. If you believe you may have a thyroid disorder, your doctor can conduct a blood test to determine your thyroid hormone levels. If they are too high or too low, you will need to balance the hormones to restore optimal function in the body.

You do not have to take medicine or hormone medication to do this, however. Most thyroid problems are completely reversible using natural methods. There are many ways to heal a thyroid, but the right exercise strategy combined with other thyroid-boosting steps will help you maximize your results and reverse your symptoms much faster.

The Key to Fixing Thyroid Problems Naturally

You can restore balance to your body naturally by avoiding triggers that slow the production (or speed them up in the case of hyperthyroidism) of thyroid hormones. A whole-body approach is usually the best way to do this. Healing your thyroid naturally is not so much something that you can take or do temporarily, but rather a reversal of bad habits that can lead to thyroid malfunctions. The following 4 tips can help you heal your thyroid from the inside out quickly and effectively.

Support with Diet

Foods can play a huge role in the function of your thyroid. This makes sense, because the nutrients that we get from food can influence the production of hormones in the body. Give the body the right fuel and nutrients and you can create the right amount of hormones. Too much of the wrong kinds of foods can make your thyroid malfunction because it does not have the right building blocks to support healthy thyroid function. Of particular concern are foods called “goitrogens,” which are nutrients that interfere with proper thyroid function. In fact, corn and soybean oil, which are in many of the foods we eat, are two of the largest sources of goitrogens.

Foods that Boost Thyroid Function

  • Dairy
  • Fish and seafood
  • Eggs
  • Soy sauce
  • Seaweed

Foods that Harm Thyroid Function

  • Junk food
  • Cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cauliflower)
  • Corn
  • Nuts

Support with Supplements

Research shows that most individuals with thyroid problems are lacking in many vital nutrients. Commonly, individuals with hypothyroidism are lacking in iodine, B vitamins, and many important minerals. This could be why women are more at risk for thyroid problems, because women lose minerals faster than men due to monthly cycles and pregnancy. According to numerous studies, the following supplements are some of the most effective for reversing thyroid problems:

Acetyl L-Tyrosine and Phenylalanine: This amino acid is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Studies have shown that deficiencies in these two amino acids lead to an increased risk of thyroid problems. A study from 2003 conducted by a hospital located in Canada found that supplementing with tyrosine and phenylalanine was able to balance the required amino acid level for individuals with thyroid problems.

B Vitamins: Many Americans are lacking in B vitamins. B vitamins are highly concentrated in full-fat dairy products and seafood- two foods that many Americans do not eat on a regular basis. Of particular usefulness in thyroid diseases are vitamins B3, B2, B1, B5, B6, B9, and B12. Studies have shown that individuals with sluggish thyroid function have higher levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which can lead to the development of heart disease.

A study from 2001 conducted by the University of Amsterdam found that supplementing with vitamin B6, B12, and B9 was able to reduce homocysteine levels in patients with a sluggish thyroid and boost thyroid function overall. The other B vitamins help boost energy, regulate the metabolism, balance the nervous system, and prevent fatigue.

Minerals: Minerals are vital for the production and balance of thyroid hormones. Magnesium, for example, is necessary to convert T3 and T4. Selenium converts T4 into T3. Studies show that many individuals with thyroid problems are deficient in zinc and iodine. Supplementing with these minerals results in boosted thyroid function and a healthier body overall.

Other Beneficial Minerals
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum

Avoid Fluoride

The water you drink could be affecting your thyroid function. How? Simply by the addition of fluoride. Fluoride is typically added to the water because it was thought that the chemical could prevent the development of cavities in children and adults. Although studies have shown that children drinking fluoridated water are no less likely to develop cavities (published in a 1997 edition of “Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health”), it is continued to be used in most modern water sources.

In fact, all studies looking at the benefit of fluoride have looked at the topical benefits- not the internal benefits. Fluoride is actually extremely dangerous when ingested (it was originally a chemical waste product), and has serious effects on the thyroid.

A 2011 study conducted by the MM College of Dental Sciences and Research stated that fluoride was actually used as a drug to treat an overactive thyroid because the effects of the thyroid-lowering function were so strong. You are actually hurting the function of your thyroid each time you drink fluoridated water.

How does this work? Fluoride mimics the action of thyrotropin (TSH), which is a hormone that stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. But the body cannot use fluoride in place of this hormone, which makes the thyroid end up producing less hormones. There is also evidence that fluoride interferes with the absorption of iodine in the body as well. You can cut down on your consumption of fluoride by drinking fluoride-free water (which is difficult to find). Some high-powered water filters are able to remove excess fluoride from the water.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is another way to boost the function of your thyroid. The key is to find the right balance. Exercise too little and your thyroid will suffer, but exercise too much, and it could suffer in another way. Exercising 3-4 times a week at moderate intensity for 30 or 40 minutes may be the optimal amount of exercise to boost thyroid function, according to Dr. Oz. The perfect workout for boosting thyroid function contains the elements outlined below:

The Perfect Thyroid Workout

The perfect workout contains 8 touchstones of proper training as prescribed by exercise physiologist Geralyn Coopersmith:

Release Trigger Points

Before exercising, try rolling a massage stick or foam roller over trigger points throughout the body to boost circulation. Roll the stick over the muscles you plan to exercise that day- it will provide many of the same benefits as a massage. Fibrous tissue is broken down which makes it easier for your body to build muscles and improve overall balance.


Many people skip the warm-up and move straight into core exercise, which is a mistake. Warming up is ideal when dynamic stretches are used. Dynamic stretches use stretching like squats, arm circles, or walking lunges to test the range of motion of muscle groups without straining the muscles. This lubricates joints, raises body temperature, and prepares the nerves for exercise. This also elevates your heart rate and can boost maximum metabolism-benefiting hormones.

Prepare the Core

Core muscles are muscles in the back, pelvis, and stomach. These muscles are the foundation for all movements in the body. Before doing any other exercise, engaging your core can make your other exercise elements more effective and can encourage your body to manufacture the thyroid hormones you need to remain healthy.

Essential Core Exercises
  • Pelvic tucks
  • Quadrupeds
  • Planks
  • Bridges

Move Multiple Joints

Most exercises focus on one joint at a time, which is not as effective for overall health. You never simply use one muscle group at a time in everyday life. Exercises that move multiple muscle groups (squatting while doing arm circles, for example), are not only more life-like, but can also maximize the effectiveness of your entire workout.

Work in 3D

When possible, move in 3D while exercising. Move front to back, side to side, rotational, and up and down. This works muscles from multiple angles which can prevent imbalances that lead to injury. Try lunges, squats, shoulder raises, and baseball swings.


According to Coopersmith, your exercise is more effective if you pull more than push while exercising. He recommends aiming for a 2:1 ratio of pull to push. This improves posture, balance, and reduces injuries.

Use Circuit Training

Alter the intensity of your workout in addition to implementing a variety of exercise types. Follow a pattern of heavy, medium, and light for maximum impact. This exercise method combines to reduce insulin and boost thyroid function.

Short Cool Downs

A cool down is a time that you allot to give your body time to recover from high-intensity work. Cool downs do not have to be long. Simply stretching for about 3 minutes is enough time to cut back on lactic acid and blood-pooling, which can lead to a feeling of dizziness. Cooling down will slowly lower your heart rate, which is healthier for your heart overall.

Exercising to Boost Thyroid Function

Exercise plays a key role in the development of a proper thyroid function. Exercise is not only beneficial for raising thyroid hormone levels, but it is also one of the most effective methods to reduce your risk for a variety of health conditions and maintain a healthy weight. Our bodies are meant to move, and if you do not move regularly, you will find that your body is sluggish becomes unresponsive. Combine a healthy exercise plan with the other steps in this article to maximize the health of your thyroid without the use of thyroid hormones.





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