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Take This Supplement and Bursitis Will Disappear

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Turmeric is currently the darling of the supplement world, and for good reason. Find out how it can help reduce bursitis in the article below.

If you suffer from bursitis, you may find that performing normal movements and activities is painful and difficult. There are a variety of causes for bursitis, that can range from simple aging to repetitive motion in the arms, legs, or other joints in the body.

While there are many supplements and treatments for bursitis, one of the most effective and easiest supplement to take to help control the pain and inflammation is simple turmeric- a spice commonly found in curry and other yellow Indian dishes. 

What is Bursitis?

Your bursa is a small sac inside the joints. This sac acts as a cushion for the different bones in your body and prevents the bones from grinding against one another-which would be quite painful. However, the joint can get inflamed for a variety of reasons.

Typically, the larger joints are more likely to see inflammation. The shoulder, hips, knees, and elbows are the most likely culprits. In most cases, bursitis goes away when repetitive motion stops, and a few weeks go by. However, some cases of bursitis result in chronic pain that interferes with daily life.

Symptoms of Bursitis
  • Aching in joints during movement
  • Stiffness in joints
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Warm skin around the joint
  • Pain that gradually builds up or has sharp, shooting pains

Causes of Bursitis

Bursitis can be caused by a variety of conditions and experiences. Usually, repetitive motion can cause bursitis (sometimes called housemaid’s knee, tennis elbow, or some other colloquial name), but in some cases, conditions like arthritis, gout, and other health problems will create chronic bursitis. Frequent exercising and even sitting the same way for too long can make bursitis worse.

Turmeric for Bursitis

According to several studies, turmeric can help joint pain heal faster, and could prevent it in some cases. The spice is typically orange or yellow in hue and is used in many South Asian and Indian dishes. The spice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Dr. Santos, of Northern Westchester Hospital in New York, prescribes the spice for patients with inflammatory joint pain. She even takes supplements herself to help heal after exercise and sports. She even prescribes the spice to patients after surgery to help reduce inflammation and pain.

Scientific Evidence

A study from 2008 conducted by Baylor University Medical Center showed that taking turmeric (and specifically curcumin) supplements was safe for up to three months without any signs of complications. Doses up to 1,000 mg per day show no signs of adverse side effects in study patients.

A 2009 study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine compared the pain-fighting ingredients of turmeric with traditional ibuprofen in 1009 knee osteoarthritis patients. Surprisingly enough, the study showed that turmeric was just as effective for pain management and improved function.

The Hidden Ingredient in Turmeric

Turmeric is an ideal spice to add to your daily routine and in supplement form. However, not all parts of turmeric are equally beneficial. The main anti-inflammatory ingredient is curcumin. Curcumin is the part of turmeric that makes it appear yellow. Curcumin is an amazing anti-inflammatory spice, which can help a wide variety of conditions and health problems. Curcumin can influence over 700 genes, and it inhibits the inflammatory enzymes cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX).

Curcumin has been scientifically proven to help reduce arthritis symptoms, improve irritable bowel disease, prevent cystic fibrosis, reduces cancer tumor size and spread, improves the liver, help restore cognitive function, may help prevent leukemia in children, lowers cholesterol, and helps reduce heart disease.

Other Turmeric Ingredients

Turmeric contains other beneficial ingredients as well. For example, one teaspoon of turmeric contains 1 gram of fiber, 1.7 mg of vitamin C, 2.6 mcg of folate, 2.8 mg of iron, .5 mg of manganese, 170 mg of potassium, and .3 percent of niacin in addition to many other vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of Curcumin

Curcumin is an amazing supplement that is helpful for many health concerns. Take a look at some of the studies on curcumin and what it can do for your health:

Arthritis: Arthritis is related to bursitis, and is another problem of inflamed joints. Curcumin is antioxidant, and it can neutralize free radicals in the body. This helps the body’s cells remain healthy. In most cases, arthritis is caused by free radicals causing inflammation in the joints. Even mild joint pain, such as seen from bursitis can be healed and relieved by taking turmeric supplements.

Cognitive function: Curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier and may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. A 2004 study from UCLA looked at how curcumin prevented amyloid-B protein fragments from binding together and causing plaque build-up in the brain. The protein binds to the curcumin instead, preventing the onset of plaque build-up which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Cholesterol: Turmeric stimulates the production of mRNA, which tells the body to make more LDL cholesterol receptors. The more LDL cholesterol levels in the body, the more your body can clear away LDL cholesterol, preventing the oxidation of cholesterol that leads to health problems. A study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology showed that patients who took 500 mg of curcumin per day for a week showed oxidized blood levels of 33 percent and a drop in cholesterol of 11.6 percent. HDL cholesterol levels increased by 29 percent.

Immune support: Curcumin is an immune system booster thanks to the high number of antioxidants. Curcumin is up to 8 times stronger than vitamin C and E for boosting the immune system. Curcumin helps organized the properties of cell membranes making it easier to function on an organized level, according to a 2009 study from the University of Michigan.

Dosage for Bursitis

The currently recommended dose is between 500 and 1,000 mg of turmeric per day. You can also look for the purer form of curcumin in health food stores. Look for a combo of turmeric and piperine, which helps the body absorb the spice more effectively.

Tips for Increasing Absorption

The ancient way to eat turmeric was with other peppers and spices. It turns out, the ancient Indians were on to something. Peppers, including piperine, increase the absorption of the turmeric powder. This helps the spice move through your body via the bloodstream, rather than staying in the gut and doing little good for the rest of your body.

Preparation Ideas

If you want to ensure you are getting the most benefit from your turmeric powder to help fight joint pain, try the following preparation ideas:

Idea #1) Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder, a teaspoon of melted coconut oil, and an egg yolk. Blend the mixture until smooth and drink it.

Idea #2) Put a tablespoon of turmeric powder into a quart of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, then drink the mixture. This will create a 12 percent solution of curcumin, which is about as high as you can get without eating turmeric raw. Always combine turmeric with a peppery spice. This will help your body absorb it.

Idea #3) Sprinkle it on all foods and use it in any recipe. Use pure turmeric or curcumin powder rather than branded “curry powder.” This form of curry powder does not contain high levels of curcumin.

Try sprinkling turmeric powder in sauces, soups, dips, and even on meats and sandwiches. The more turmeric you can fit into your diet the better.

Risks and Cautions

There are a few risks with taking turmeric for an extended basis. Mainly, problems that can occur include blood thinning, skin rashes, and an upset stomach. According to the University of Maryland, you should not take turmeric supplements for 2 weeks before surgery, or if you have gallbladder problems or gallstones. However, if you take the powder for less than three months, you will probably see no side effects.

Common Side Effects of Turmeric
  • Thin blood
  • Rash
  • Stomach upset

Complimentary Supplements for Bursitis

MSM: The book “MSM - the definite guide: A comprehensive review of the science and therapeutics of methylsulfonylmethane” written by Stanley W Jacob and published in 2003, published the results of a 6-week clinical trial where patients supplemented with MSM. After 6 weeks, the patients showed an 80 percent improvement in their symptoms and joint pain.

White willow: White willow bark fights inflammation and joint pain. In a 2000 study conducted by the Institute of Technology, 40 percent of individuals with chronic back pain supplementing with white willow saw a loss of symptoms after 4 weeks.

Ginger: In a study of patients with joint pain and swelling, supplementing with ginger reduced pain and swelling in 75 percent of cases from a 1992 study conducted by Odense University in Denmark.

Boswellia serrata(frankincense): A 2003 study from Indira Gandhi Medical College showed that supplementing with frankincense for 8 weeks reduced symptoms of chronic knee pain.

Using Turmeric to Cure Bursitis

Turmeric is a widely beneficial herb and spice that can help with many problems ranging from memory function to heart health. However, one of the best uses for the spice is for reducing inflammation and pain due to bursitis. If you suffer from chronic joint pain, or even just get it now and again, adding a daily supplement of turmeric, or cooking with turmeric in your everyday life, can help you get the relief you need to get back on track. You might be surprised at how much better you feel after supplementing with turmeric.





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