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Vitiligo Home Remedies

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There are several natural home remedies you can use to treat your vitiligo patches and arrest its spread especially early on and before visiting your dermatologist. Read on to find out the best home remedies for treating vitiligo.

Vitiligo is a skin pigmentation disorder that results when the melanocytes are destroyed.

It affects about 1% of the population and affects both sexes and all races equally. Because vitiligo changes the appearance of the skin, it may cause emotional distress in the sufferer. Besides changing the skin color to white, vitiligo has no other symptoms. It is not infectious or caused by infectious agents.

In fact, all aspects of the skin except the color remain the same in both vitiligo and normal, pigmented skin.

The first wave of vitiligo usually affects the face, hands, and wrists. These white spots may also concentrate on the various orifices of the body including the eyes, nostrils, lips, navel, areolar, and genitals.

There is no way to know whether vitiligo spots will remain localized or spread to other parts of the body. However, early treatment can help arrest the progression of the disease.

Before visiting your dermatologist’s office for consultation and treatment, there are several ways you may use to treat mild, localized, or slowly spreading vitiligo. These ways may include changes in lifestyle and diets, nutritional supplements, herbal extracts, and even OTC (over-the-counter) vitiligo products.

Quite many vitiligo patients succeed in treating their condition with home remedies.

However, to choose the most appropriate home remedies to use, you need to know the causes of vitiligo.

Home Remedies for Vitiligo

Generally, natural remedies with antioxidant and/or immunomodulatory properties are used for treating vitiligo. These address the oxidative stress and autoimmune causes of vitiligo.

Cosmetic Concealers and Sunscreen

Cosmetic concealers and sunscreen products are not remedies for vitiligo. They do not treat the skin disorder. Rather, they hide vitiligo spots by smoothing out the contrast between the white spots and normal, pigmented skin surrounding them.

Concealers are only useful if vitiligo spots are small and few and preferably localized.

Makeup products can help camouflage vitiligo patches. Also, cover creams and self-tanning lotions are used. The tricky part of camouflaging vitiligo spots is finding the product that imparts the right color and matches perfectly with your normal skin color.

You may make your own camouflage lotion at home especially if you cannot find a product with matching colors. All you need are rubbing alcohol and food colorants. By experimenting with a ratio, you can find the perfect blend to camouflage your vitiligo spots.

Sunscreens or sunblocks, on the other hand, do not conceal vitiligo patches. Rather, they stop the growing contrast between the white vitiligo patches and normal, pigmented skin.

Sunscreens achieve this by preventing the tanning of normal, pigmented skin and sunburn in exposed vitiligo patches.

Nutritional Supplements

Some experts consider vitiligo as the outward expression of nutritional deficiencies.

True to this theory, different studies have found that vitiligo patients have lower levels of certain vitamins and minerals when compared to people without vitiligo.

Different studies have found that vitiligo patients are usually deficient in B vitamins including vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid. Usually, low levels of these vitamins are also associated with abnormally high levels of a compound called homocysteine.

Homocysteine produces a long list of harmful effects in the body but it especially can yield harmful free radicals in metabolic reactions.

Therefore, supplementation with vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid can help stop vitiligo by reducing oxidative stress on the skin.

Other vitamins that are helpful in vitiligo treatment include antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A and C.

Vitamin D has also been proven to have an anti-vitiligo effect through several properties. In fact, vitamin D analogs are some of the most effective topical vitiligo products prescribed.

Mineral deficiencies play a smaller role in the progression of vitiligo but copper has been suggested to be effective in the treatment of vitiligo.

Alpha-lipoic acid is also another antioxidant supplement that has been shown in multiple studies to be quite effective in the treatment of vitiligo.


Vitamins that Help Vitiligo
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic acid

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin most known for its central role in the formation of the light-absorbing molecule of the eye (retinal) which enables both color vision and low-light accommodation.

Besides retinal, other forms of vitamin A are found in dietary sources.

These other vitamers include retinol and the 4 carotenes (alpha, beta, gamma, and xanthophyll beta-cryptoxanthin). Retinoic acid is another important form of the vitamin. It is formed from retinol and acts as a growth factor especially in skin cells.

Retinol is the most active form of vitamin A and the other vitamers are compared against it. It is obtained solely from animal sources. By comparison, beta-carotene has half the vitamin A activity of retinol and the other carotenes only have 1/24 of the vitamin A activity of retinol.

Dietary sources of vitamin A include liver from beef, pork, poultry, and fish including fish liver oil; carrot, broccoli, sweet potato, butter, kale, cheddar cheese, egg, milk, and pea.

The daily recommended intake of vitamin A is 600 – 900 micrograms per day for males and 600 – 740 micrograms per day for a female. Lactating women need 1300 micrograms per day while the upper limit for all adults is 3000 micrograms per day.

Because vitamin A is fat-soluble, it can be stored in body fat and, therefore, it is not as easy to eliminate as water-soluble vitamins. Signs of vitamin A toxicity include anorexia, hair loss, weight loss, dry skin, anemia, fatigue, insomnia, bone fractures, and mental disorientation.

Vitamin A deficiency is common, especially in children. It can be caused by a low intake of the vitamin or malabsorption of the intestine. Zinc deficiency can also cause vitamin A deficiency. Therefore, supplementations of the vitamin and mineral are often combined.

Signs of vitamin A deficiency include impaired vision, night blindness, impaired immunity, and the accumulation of keratin in different sites in the body.

Vitamin A supplements are used to treat a deficiency in the mineral but the vitamin also has specific medical uses.

Besides its support for vision, vitamin A is also an antioxidant and it improves immune function and contributes to the transcription of genes; it is essential for the development of fetuses and bone metabolism as well as the formation of red blood cells.

Lastly, vitamin A plays a central role in maintaining skin health. This is why it is a commonly prescribed supplement for skin diseases ranging from acne to vitiligo.

How Vitamin A Helps Vitiligo

Vitamin A can help stop and repigment vitiligo spots because of its antioxidant properties, its immunomodulatory activities, and also because it helps in the maturation of specialized skin cells.

As an antioxidant, vitamin A can reduce oxidative stress in the cells of the skin such as melanocytes.

Harmful free radicals and reactive oxidative species such as hydrogen peroxide are known to cause vitiligo. They break down melanocytes and if their actions are left unchecked, these free reactive species can wipe out the melanocyte population in any given area.

Usually, the levels of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase are reduced in vitiligo patients while oxidized compounds accumulate in the skin. These show that the natural antioxidants responsible for keeping the skin free of these free radicals can no longer cope with the oxidative stress placed on the skin.

Therefore, supplementation with vitamin A helps mop up these harmful reactive species and protect melanocytes. Antioxidant protection from vitamin A can stop further depigmentation of the skin and even promote repigmentation of vitiligo spots especially when other natural antioxidants are combined with vitamin A.

Furthermore, vitamin A is known to help maintain the functioning of the immune system.

Therefore, the vitamin can help regulate the cells of the immune system and prevent an autoimmune attack on melanocytes.

The exact mechanism by which vitamin A could achieve this is unknown but some of the anti-vitiligo properties of the vitamin may be due to this effect.

Lastly, vitamin A promotes skin health at the cellular level. For example, the vitamin is needed for the maturation of epidermal skin cells. Since melanocytes are specialized skin cells found in the epidermis, vitamin A can help speed up the development of these cells.

By increasing the population of melanocytes, vitamin A can tilt the growth balance of the melanocyte population from negative growth (more dying cells than new ones) to positive growth.

How to Take Vitamin A for Vitiligo

Vitamin A can be obtained from dietary sources or supplements. Often dietary sources are enough but supplements can help especially where foods containing the vitamin are lacking.

The best way to use vitamin A in the treatment of vitiligo is in combination with other natural antioxidants and vitiligo supplements. Great results have been obtained by combining vitamin A with antioxidant vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and E as well as zinc and selenium.

The B vitamins (especially vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid) are also excellent anti-vitiligo supplements.

Vitiligo supplements such as Callumae contain vitamins, amino acids, and herbal extracts proven to help stop the depigmentation of the skin and resume its pigmentation. These supplements can be used to treat vitiligo or combined with conventional vitiligo drugs.

Herbal Extracts

Ginkgo biloba is perhaps the most studied herb used in the treatment of vitiligo.

The leaf extract which contains antioxidant and immunomodulatory phytochemicals has been shown to improve vitiligo symptoms both when used alone and when used with other vitiligo treatments.

Khella, or Ammi visnaga, is also used in the treatment of vitiligo. In fact, the ancient Egyptians recorded their use for this purpose. The flower extract of khella contains khellin, a potent diuretic but it is the psoralen content that is the most useful in vitiligo treatment.

This phytochemical is the same psoralen used in PUVA vitiligo therapy in combination with ultraviolet A radiation.

This closely follows the use of psoralen-containing plants such as Khella in traditional medicine. After taking the extracts, patients are usually advised to get some sunlight exposure.

Psoralen is a coumarin. It is a photosensitizing compound that helps darken the skin after exposure to ultraviolet irradiation.

Some other plants containing psoralen are also used in the treatment of vitiligo. These include parsnip, celery, carrot, and fennel.

Other herbal extracts used in the treatment of vitiligo include ginger juice, black cumin, turmeric, sesame seed, duckweed, coconut oil, and papaya.

Internal Treatments

In addition to the vitamins and herbal supplements mentioned above, the following home remedies for vitiligo are effective in many individuals with vitiligo. These remedies can be taken in conjunction with prescription treatments to speed healing. However, if you are taking additional internal treatments for vitiligo, make sure to inform your doctor in case there may be any side effects with other medications or treatments you are trying.


Duckweed is a water plant found in ponds and lakes throughout the world. The weed is rich in lignans, which is credited with adding color to the skin when taken internally. Grind a teaspoon of powdered duckweed along with a teaspoon of honey. Add this honey paste to water and drink one cup per day.

Copper Water

Researchers are not sure why, but adding more copper to the diet has been found to slow the progression of vitiligo. One easy way to do this is to drink water that has been stored in a copper container (unlined). Place the water you plan to drink in a copper container in the morning and drink it all day long to maximize your copper intake. Make sure you also take a zinc supplement when you drink copper water.

Psoralen Powder And Ginger

Psoralen is a known remedy for vitiligo, and in fact, extracts of psoralen are used in prescription treatments for vitiligo. However, psoralen is also found in celery, parsley, anise, and many other natural foods. You can purchase psoralen powder at health food stores.

Mix 1/2 a teaspoon of psoralen powder and 1/2 a teaspoon of dried ginger. Mix the powders in a glass of warm milk. Drink one glass of the mixture daily while treating vitiligo.


Margosa is a plant that has leaves that are credited with the ability to repigment white patches on the skin. Grind margosa leaves into a paste to extract the juice from the leaves. Mix two teaspoons of margosa juice with a teaspoon of honey. Drink this mixture three times a day while treating vitiligo.


Eat extract of goosefoot twice daily, once in the morning and once at night until vitiligo progress halts.


Neem has been credited with helping white patches on the skin to regain pigmentation. You can apply neem juice directly to the ski or drink a glass of neem juice daily to restore pigment to the skin. 

Pomegranate Leaves

Grind pomegranate leaves into a powder. Add a teaspoon of the powder to a glass of water. Drink one glass daily until the white patches are gone.

Indian Lilac

Boil Indian lilac leaves in hot water and allows the leaves to steep until the water cools. Drink one cup of this leaf juice mixture while taking prescription treatments for vitiligo.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are effective in slowing the progression of vitiligo and covering existing white patches. As individuals with vitiligo typically have sensitive skin, test these topical remedies on a small patch of skin before slathering on everywhere. This will prevent painful rashes and reactions that may be caused by some of these remedies.


Place damp goosefoot leaves over white patches on the skin. Leave for one hour. Repeat this treatment several times a week until the skin is darkened.

Turmeric And Mustard Oil

Tumeric and mustard oil together are an effective topical treatment for vitiligo.

Mix five teaspoons of turmeric powder with enough mustard oil to make a paste. Apply the paste to white patches on the skin. Let the mixture sit on the skin for 20 minutes before washing. Repeat this treatment once daily for 20 days to make vitiligo less noticeable.

Radish Seeds

Radish seeds are credited with the ability to fade white spots and regenerate melanin. Crush radish seeds into a powder and mix with enough vinegar to make a paste. Apply the paste to white patches on the skin and leave it there for 15 minutes. Repeat this treatment every day for six months to encourage healthy, darker skin to grow in affected areas.

Mama Cadela Roots

Mama cadela roots are effective at reducing the appearance of vitiligo patches on the skin. Soak mama cadela roots for 10 minutes. Once the liquid cools, use a cotton ball to dab the juice onto the skin. Repeat once daily to reduce skin whiteness.

Basil Leaves and Lemon

Basil is antiviral and filled with antioxidants, which makes it an ideal topical treatment for white skin patches. Squeeze the juice from five lemons. Add a teaspoon of basil oil to the lemon juice and mix well. Use a cotton ball to dab affected areas with the mixture. Leave the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes before rinsing. You can safely use this skin treatment in combination with any other vitiligo treatment.

Red Clay And Ginger

Purchase powdered red clay. Crush fresh ginger with a garlic press and add it to the red clay mixture along with a little water until it forms a paste. Apply the paste to white patches on the skin. Repeat this treatment once a week for six months.


Grind walnuts in a food processor to make a powder. Add a bit of water to make a thick paste. Rub the walnut paste into white patches three times a day while treating vitiligo. Leave the paste in place for 15 minutes before washing the skin. In two months, white patches should be darkened.

Babchi and Tamarind

Mix equal amounts of babchi powder and tamarind powder with a little water to make a paste. Apply this paste once a day for a week. If the skin turns red, discontinue use. Some individuals are sensitive to babchi powder, which may cause redness and itching.


Khellin has beneficial skin properties that have been shown in studies to be almost as effective as PUVA therapy in the repigmentation of the skin. Applying khellin extract in paste form to the skin is as effective as psoralen treatments combined with PUVA therapy.


Figs contain a natural form of psoralen, which makes them ideal for reversing vitiligo. In addition to eating figs regularly, apply a paste of figs to any white patches. Leave the paste in place for 20 minutes before rinsing. Repeat the direct application of figs every other day until vitiligo patches shrink or fade (which can take several months to a year).


Mix crushed leadwort root and water until a paste is formed. Apply leadwort to the affected areas. Leave the paste in place for 30 minutes before washing off. Repeat this treatment once a week until vitiligo patches fade.

Vitiligo Supplements

While there are different formulas for combining some of these natural remedies at home, you may decide to take an OTC vitiligo supplement formulated with proven natural vitiligo remedies.


A good example of such is Callumae.

Callumae contains the vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid; the amino acid, L-phenylalanine (a precursor for tyrosine which is then used to produce melanin); alpha lipoic acid; and herbal extracts of Ginkgo biloba, Amni visnaga, and Picrorhiza kurroa. Few complete herbal blends exist for the treatment of vitiligo, which makes Callumae one of the unique products on the market for treating vitiligo.


Vitilax is a set of vitiligo remedies made from natural remedies and sold by Merry Clinic. The Vitilax family includes a Vitilax capsule, Vitilax skin oil, and Viti-Nutrient.

They are all formulated by Dr. Li, manufactured in the US according to the rules of GMP-approved pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.

Vitilax Capsules

There are 150 capsules in Vitilax capsules and the direction for use is to take 6 capsules two times daily. Children over the age of 6 should only take 4 capsules two times daily.

The active ingredients of Vitilax capsules can help modulate the immune system to stimulated increased production of melanin.

There are 14 herbal extracts in Vitilax capsules.

Ingredients of Vitilax Capsules

Active Ingredients of Vitilax Capsules
  • Psoralea Fruit
  • Astragalus Root
  • Chinese Peony Root Without Bark
  • Cnidium Fruit
  • Chinese Salvia Root and Rhizome
  • Tribulus Fruit
  • Chinese Dodder Seed
  • Fo-Ti Root
  • Turmeric Root
  • Bai-zhu Atractylodes Rhizome
  • Dong Quai Root
  • Safflower Flower
  • Fragrant Angelica Root
  • Cassia Twig


Viti-Nutrients tablets contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that promote skin repigmentation. They are recommended to be used along with Vitilax capsules.

Ingredients of Viti-Nutrients
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, and C
  • Copper, Iron, Zinc, and Selenium
  • L-Tyrosine and L-Phenylalanine

The B vitamins are important in the treatment of vitiligo. Different studies have found that vitiligo patients have low levels of some of these vitamins especially vitamins B6 and B9.

Vitamin B6, B9, and B12 are the 3 most important B vitamins recommended to be taken as supportive nutritional supplements for vitiligo patients.

These vitamins prevent the accumulation of homocysteine. The accumulation of homocysteine produces reactive oxygen species and free radicals that increase the oxidative stress on the skin.

Vitamin C is an even more powerful antioxidant although its antioxidant property is expressed differently.

Besides protecting melanocytes from oxidative damage, these vitamins also protect melanocytes from autoimmune attack. Lastly, some of them supply the needed parts for the production of tyrosine and then melanin.

L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine are amino acids important to melanin production.

L-phenylalanine is a precursor of L-tyrosine while L-tyrosine is used for synthesizing melanin. Therefore, supplementation with these amino acids directly increases melanin production by supplying the needed building blocks for melanin production.

The minerals included in Viti-Nutrients also serve as a nutritional supply for improving skin health and boosting the production of melanin. Some of them even have antioxidant properties needed to protect melanocytes.

Is Vitilax Effective?

Is Vitilax effective? Yes especially when the 3 components of the vitiligo kit are used.

Vitilax treats vitiligo through multiple pathways and it covers all the factors known to cause vitiligo including oxidative stress, an autoimmune attack, and even nutritional deficiencies.

The herbal extracts included in Vitilax are safe and effective. However, the combination of 14 different herbs may cause drug interaction especially when Vitilax is combined with other vitiligo treatments. Therefore, you should consult your physician before taking Vitilax.

Also, since Vitilax contains multiple psoralen-containing ingredients, users can experience the side effects of this phytochemical. However, the amount of psoralen present in Vitilax is much lower than the dose used in PUVA.

Therefore, there is less chance that such side effects may occur.

Vitilax is manufactured in an FDA-approved factory and it is sourced and manufactured according to high standards. It is safe for long-term use.

Most users of Vitilax start seeing the first signs of repigmentation within the first 2 months. Only severe cases take as long as 3 months. Repigmentation starts with the white patches going pink before darkening to match the normal, pigmented skin.

You Can Treat Vitiligo with Home Remedies

Vitiligo causes pigmentation to leave the skin in patches, but you don't have to let the condition pass without taking action. Vitiligo is treatable using a variety of home remedies. These remedies, both topical and internal, work best in conjunction with clinical treatments for vitiligo. The effectiveness of prescription and clinical vitiligo treatments varies, but it has been found that treatments are most effective when a combination of vitiligo home remedies and prescription treatments are used together. With a multi-faced approach, you can slow or halt the progression of your vitiligo. 





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