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This Simple Herb Will Stop Edema

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If you suffer from edema and swelling, there are many remedies you can try. This simple herb from South Africa is proven to be effective at reducing swelling in the body and improving circulation.

Edema is the scientific word for swelling. Your body naturally swells for a variety of reasons. Swelling could be caused by lack of movement, pressure on the legs (such as swelling from pregnancy), salt retention, water retention, medications, medical conditions, inflammation, or a variety of other conditions.

In a few cases, edema can be caused by something more serious, like kidney problems, heart failure, lymph system diseases, liver disease, or damaged leg veins. Normally, edema is a temporary condition that will resolve on its own. However, some edema can lead to painful or damaging side effects, like pain, difficulty walking, skin ulcers, decreased circulation, blood clots, infection, itchy skin, stiff joints, and scarred skin (stretch marks). If your edema is caused by something more serious, those root conditions can also cause complications and serious health issues.

Danger Signs

If you see swelling for longer than a day or two, and you don’t know of any conditions that could cause it, speak to a health professional right away. You could be suffering from a more serious condition rather than simple swelling. Even if your swelling is temporary, it is better to get it checked out than have complications from a condition that could have been avoided or helped by early intervention.

However, if your edema is simply water retention, salt retention, or from another mild condition; or if you want to prevent edema from occurring at any time, the African medicinal herb buchu is helpful at reducing swelling in any part of the body. This simple herb is one of the most effective for eliminating swelling and promoting the health of kidneys, the urinary tract, and proper blood flow.

What is Buchu?

Buchu is a small wooded shrub that grows naturally in South Africa. It has a woody bark, small white star-shaped flowers, and glossy green leaves. The Hottentots tribes in Africa have used this bush to treat a variety of ailments for thousands of years. The plant was used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including arthritis, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, muscle aches, energizing tonic, and PMS-fighter. The oil is antiseptic and has been used to reduce infections in cuts, scrapes, and bruises. The main parts of the plant used are the leaves and oil. Both the leaves and oil have diuretic and antiseptic properties.

The diuretic properties of Buchu is the main benefit that it provides in helping edema. In fact, Buchu is so well-known for diuretic properties, that According to the book The Healing Herbs, two medications, Odrinil and Fluidex, contain derivatives of the leaves to help fight PMS bloating.

Uses for Buchu 
  • Arthritis
  • Kidney infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Kidney stones
  • Muscle aches
  • Cuts Scrapes Bruises
  • Diuretic
  • PMS
  • Improved energy

How Does Buchu Help Edema?

Since buchu is a diuretic, it is excellent at eliminating swelling due to salt intake or everyday water retention. According to Herbs 2000, buchu leaves contain flavonoids and up to 3.5 percent volatile oils. The leaves provide antiseptic benefits from the volatile oils using the component monoterpene disophenol. The flavonoids stimulate the urinary tract system, which has a cleansing effect on the body. This will help reduce swelling from water retention and also eliminate excessive sodium levels and stimulate proper blood circulation.

Dosage for Edema

Buchu can be taken in three ways. An infusion using dry leaves can be made by steeping a teaspoon of dry leaves into boiling water. Let the leaves steep in the water for about 10 minutes just like you would with tea. Drink this mixture three times a day until the swelling has gone down.

A second preparation method uses a pre-prepared tincture. The recommended dose is between 2 and 4 ml three times a day.

The third method is to take the supplement in capsule form. Often, buchu is mixed with other edema-fighting supplements to maximize the diuretic effect on the body to control swelling. Buchu also works well in combination with inflammation-fighting supplements, which can help reduce swelling from excessive inflammation in the body.

Risks and Side Effects

No dosage of buchu has been shown to have serious side effects. However, the herb can be irritating to the kidneys. If you have a history of kidney problems or kidney disease or have extreme pain and bleeding during urination, do not take buchu. If a severe kidney infection develops, your health could be greatly at risk. If you suspect a kidney infection, consult a medical professional right away. The herb may also irritate the stomach. It is recommended that you take buchu supplements with meals to prevent unwanted gastronomical distress. Pregnant and nursing women should not take buchu without first consulting a health professional. Supplementing with buchu could be unsafe for unborn or nursing babies.

According to Web MD, using more buchu than normally used in food amounts (basically any dosage beyond a sprinkle) is possibly linked to an increase in miscarriage. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult with your doctor or midwife before adding buchu supplements to your diet.

According to Web MD, buchu could possibly reduce the effectiveness of blood clotting and increase bleeding. Do not take buchu for two weeks before surgery, and do not take it after surgery until you are fully healed.

Complementary Supplements for Edema

Horse Chestnut

A 1994 study from the Lipha Group conducted on rats showed that supplementing with horse chestnut reduced lymphoma-related swelling. It was also able to reduce inflammation and overall swelling. Horse chestnut is also beneficial for promoting circulation and flushing out toxins from the body.


Magnesium is the hidden mineral that helps with all aspects of bodily functions. Magnesium can do everything from preventing headaches to benefit attention disorders, to reducing swelling in the body. Pregnant women supplementing with magnesium were shown to have a significant effect on swelling reduction in a 1998 study from the University of Reading. Non-pregnant women supplementing with magnesium showed fewer side effects from PMS, including reduced breast tenderness, stomach bloating, and overall swelling. 


Dandelion is usually considered a garden weed, but it has surprising health benefits for edema. Dandelion has a diuretic effect on the body, but it does so without creating a potassium deficiency in the body, according to the book Herbal Medicines by Carol A. Newall, Linda A. Anderson and John David Phillipson

Uva Ursi

Uva Ursi (also known as bearberry or bear grape) has leaves that are effective at reducing swelling. In a Japanese study from 1990, it was found that supplementing with uva ursi was able to relieve allergy-related swelling in study participants. According to Web MD, uva ursi is used to treat urinary tract-related swelling and constipation (because of the diuretic effects).

Other Ways to Reduce Edema

According to Web MD, there are also several other things you can do to prevent and reduce edema. These methods work for simple water retention. If you have swelling from a more serious condition, these remedies are not the most effective option. Try the following remedies to cut back on swelling in your body:

Reduce Salt: Salt can cause water retention in the body. By cutting back on your salt intake, you allow the water to flow out of your tissues and reduce swelling. Consult with your doctor to find the appropriate salt intake level for your body and health condition.

Massage: Simple manipulation of a swollen area may help cut back on swelling in that area. Massage the area in the direction of the heart to promote proper circulation. As a last resort, your doctor may prescribe compression stockings to promote circulation and reduce swelling in the legs.

Elevation: For swelling in the legs, raising them as high as possible will help blood circulate and reduce swelling caused by prolonged sitting or standing. Hold your feet up for at least 30 minutes at a time 3-4 times a day for best results.

Movement: Just getting up and moving around some is a simple remedy for solving some fluid retention issues. If you sit in one position all day, your body has a harder time moving blood and fluids from one place to another. Moving around every few minutes will help eliminate swelling. Daily exercise to promote circulation will also help prevent swelling from occurring in the first place.

Liquids: If you have an excessive salt intake, simply drinking water is an easy method to reduce swelling and the salt levels in your body. Water will help flush out the tissues in your body and will make swelling less.

Using Buchu to Fight Edema

If you suffer from swelling, it can be annoying and painful. Luckily, reducing swelling is not that difficult or complicated. One of the best supplements you can take to reduce swelling is extract from the buchu leaf. Buchu is highly effective at reducing edema, inflammation, and improving urinary tract health. In addition to supplementing with buchu, complementary supplements including dandelion, uva ursi, horse chestnut, and magnesium can also reduce swelling and show results faster. Drinking plenty of fluids, elevating the swollen area, moving around, daily exercise, massaging the area, and reducing salt intake will also help relieve swelling in the body.






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