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Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema

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Homeopathy is a branch of traditional medicine that treats disorders with remedies made out of greatly diluted doses of poisons. Homeopathic remedies are usually prescribed after considering the symptoms, personality as well as the emotional and psychological state of each patient. Therefore, this list of homeopathic remedies for eczema only represents the most commonly prescribed remedies recommended by homeopaths for their patients. Discussed below are the best homeopathic remedies for relieving eczema itch, skin sores and dry skin.

1. Sulfur

Sulfur is a medicinal agent that has been used for its antiseptic properties in traditional medicine for over 2,000 years. Sulfur is popular as a topical remedy for skin diseases especially those involving infections, itching, and sores.

This medicinal agent is prepared from the mineral, sulfur. As a homeopathic remedy, the pure sulfur powder is watered down with milk or a combination of water and alcohol.

Pure, undiluted sulfur has a pungent odor and produces a burning sensation on the skin much like severe itching. Therefore, the diluted preparation of the mineral makes an ideal homeopathic remedy in the treatment of skin diseases involving itching and burning sensations on the skin.

Sulfur is used in homeopathy to treat skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Besides itching, sulfur can provide relief for dry, flaky, cracked and reddened skin.

How does sulfur help eczema? It is effective for killing off pathogenic microbes on the skin as well as in the blood. By doing this, it stops the damage done to the skin tissue and allows the skin to heal.

Recommended for eczema patients experiencing burning itch and inflamed sores; those whose symptoms get worse with heat or after taking a warm bath; and those with red, crusty skin.

2. Calendula

The homeopathic remedy known as calendula is taken from the herb, Pot marigold or Calendula officinalis.

Like sulfur, calendula has been used for a long while to treat various skin conditions. In homeopathy, calendula is the herb of choice for treating skin wounds. It is used in the treatment of cuts and for healing broken skin.

In the treatment of eczema, homeopaths use calendula extracts prepared without alcohol. The parts of the plant used are the fresh leaves and flowers.

Calendula extract is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The herb is prepared as a cream or tincture to the applied on the skin for healing broken skin. It can help soothe broken, bleeding skin and, therefore, effective for healing skin ulcers.

The antiseptic property of calendula can help get rid of harmful bacteria on the skin. This stops the bacterial destruction of the skin tissues. The anti-inflammatory effect of the herb can help reduce inflammation in the skin.

Because skin infections and inflammation are major components of eczema, calendula can be especially effective in the treatment of this skin disease.

Recommended for eczema patients with easily irritated skin; those with infected skin in form ulcers; and those with local inflammation on the skin in the form of blisters.

3. Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus Toxicodendron is the homeopathic remedy prepared from poison ivy, a toxic shrub.

The oil from this herb can cause itching and rashes when it rubs against the skin.

The parts of the herb used in the preparation of this homeopathic remedy are the leaves and stalk. These are harvested at night when the active ingredient in the oil is most potent. The harvest parts are then pulverized and diluted.

When taken in its concentrated form, poison ivy can cause mouth ulcers, rash, fever, hallucination and swollen glands.

However, in the diluted doses used in homeopathy medicine, rhus toxicodendron is effective in the treatment of skin problems characterized by burning itch, inflamed lesions, rashes, and blisters.

Rhus toxicondendron is effective in the treatment of eczema because of its potent anti-inflammatory effect.

Recommended for eczema patients with blister-like skin eruptions and for those whose symptoms are relieved by warmth and movement.

4. Urtica urens

This homeopathic remedy is prepared from all the parts of the herb known as annual nettle.

The extract from this herb is used in traditional medicine to treat rash, hives and any other skin condition involving inflammation and itching. Furthermore, urtica urens can help to relieve stinging sensations, blisters and allergic skin reactions.

Besides its usefulness in the treatment of the itching, rash, and inflammation of eczema, this homeopathic remedy can also be used to treat skin eruptions caused by topical steroid products.

Since steroid ointments are commonly prescribed for eczema patients, this homeopathic remedy is especially useful for reversing the damage done to the skin by topical steroids as well as for treating eczema symptoms.

Recommended for eczema patients experiencing scorching, stinging sensations; those whose symptoms worsen early in the morning, after taking a warm bath and after undertaking strenuous exercises.

5. Graphites

Graphites is a homeopathic remedy derived from graphite, a form of carbon with special properties and commonly used in manufacturing pencils.

Graphites occupy a special place in homeopathy because it was one of the earliest remedies discovered by the founder of the branch of alternative medicine. Traditionally, graphites are applied to the skin or taken orally to treat cold sores.

Although graphites are not as popular as other remedies used in the treatment of skin conditions, it is no less effective.

Specifically, graphites are used in the treatment of “weeping eczema”. This is a form of eczema characterized by open sores with thick discharges of pus.

Skin ulcers are not the only indication for taking graphites. This homeopathic remedy is also effective for treating stomach ulcers that are caused by damage to the lining of the gut.

Therefore, graphites can be used to treat eczema associated with gastrointestinal disorders because it is also effective in the treatment of leaky gut syndrome.

Recommended for eczema patients with leathery skins that are cracked and infected skin ulcers characterized by oozing, golden pus that hardens into crusts.  

6. Natrum muriaticum

This homeopathic remedy is also known as rock salt or sodium chloride. It is prepared by dissolving pure sodium chloride (rock salt) in boiling water and then crystallizing the salt before diluting it in water.

Conditions treated with this common salt remedy are those characterized by runny secretions when the patient is exposed to heat and after spending too much time in the sun. It is also used to treat skin disorders especially when the skin is flaky, inflamed and covered in blister-like eruptions.

Taking sodium chloride can help detoxify the body and re-establish electrolyte balance in the body. In addition, salt can dry up blisters while restoring the natural pH of the skin.

Recommended for eczema patients with small, itchy blisters as well as inflamed and oozing sores.

7. Oleum petrae

Oleum petrae is also known as petroleum or crude oil. Although derived from purified crude oil, this homeopathic remedy cannot be regarded as fuel. It is first distilled and then diluted with sulfuric acid.

This homeopathic remedy is used to treat skin disorders and it is particularly effective for healing open wounds. It is commonly recommended for people suffering from eczema and psoriasis.

Oleum petrae is effective in the treatment of eczema because it can help moisturize as well as oil the skin.

Therefore, it reduces dryness and heals up fissures in the skin. In addition, this remedy can help cover up skin sores and promote their healing by sealing them off from bacteria, toxins, and irritants.

Recommended for eczema patients with dry, leathery cracked skins who experience burning sensations, severe itching as well as bleeding. Also for those whose eczema gets worse during winter and for whom itching gets worse at night while scratching the skin triggers cold sensations.

8. Arsenicum album

Arsenicum album is a homeopathic remedy prepared from arsenic. Although arsenic is a poison, the process by which the remedy is prepared waters down the toxicity of the metal and leaves a medicinal solution.

This homeopathic remedy is used to treat various ailments ranging from anxiety disorders to gastrointestinal complaints involving damage to the mucosal lining of the gut.

In the treatment of eczema, arsenicum album can help relieve skin ulcers as well as stomach ulcers.

While the first effect directly improves skin health, the second effect can help prevent leaky gut syndrome and the entry of toxins into the body.

In addition, this remedy can help reduce inflammation as well as relieve oozing lesions on the skin.

Recommended for eczema patients whose skins are dry and who experience itching accompanied by burning sensations. It is given to eczema patients whose itch gets better by applying heat to the skin.

9. Calcarea carbonica

Calcarea carbonica is prepared from calcium carbonate obtained from oyster shells. It is, therefore, an important source of calcium for the body especially for cellular processes and bone health.

This homeopathic remedy is used to treat eczema among other conditions. It is possibly effective in the treatment of this skin disease because it is an effective antifungal agent, especially against Candida albicans.

By inhibiting the growth of this yeast, calcarea carbonica can help treat candidiasis by reducing the fungal colonization of the mucosal surfaces of the body. Therefore, this remedy promotes the preservation or restoration of beneficial bacteria in the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Recommended for eczema patients with chilly, clammy, cracking skin and whose eczema gets worse during the winter months.

10. Arum triphyllum

Arum triphyllum is the homeopathic remedy prepared from the fresh roots of a wild turnip. It is used to treat conditions characterized by bleeding cracks in the skin.

Although the major indication for this remedy is cold and other conditions involving allergic reactions, it can also be used to relieve atopic symptoms of eczema especially when it affects the face.

Recommended for eczema patients who are also experiencing related allergic diseases such as asthma and hay fever. Also for treating eczema cases triggered by cold weather.

11. Antimonium crudum

Antimonium crudum is one of the homeopathic remedies prepared from antimony.

This remedy is recommended for the treatment of eczematous eruptions of the skin. It is used to relieve skin ulcers especially when the skin is also calloused.

Recommended for eczema patients with dry, cracked skin with skin eruptions that oozes golden pus which hardens and crusts.

12. Mezereum

Mezereum is the homeopathic remedy prepared by Daphne mezereum. This plant is toxic and even holding its fresh twig can cause rashes and eczematous eruptions on the skin.

However, as a homeopathic remedy mezereum provides quick relief for unbearable itching, tingling and burning sensations on the skin. It is also effective for healing skin ulcers.

This is also the homeopathic remedy given to children who experience eczema after vaccination.

Recommended for eczema patients experiencing violent itching, biting and crawling sensations. These patients get worse at night and their symptoms are aggravated by heat and damp while getting better in the open air.





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